Bahasa Inggris saya betul atau salah (bagian 2)

Pada bagian pertama, Anda sudah dapat gambaran sekilas bagaimana belajar bahasa Inggris secara tepat tanpa perlu dipusingkan grammar.

Berikut kesalahan-kesalahan lain yang bisa Anda perbaiki sendiri saat mendapati situasi yang serupa. Sering berlatih dan mengakrabi ungkapan demi ungkapan akan membuat Anda lebih percaya diri.

Salah: He is angry on me.
Betul He is angry with me.

Salah: I am pleased at you.
Betul: I am pleased with you.

Salah: What is the time in your watch?
Betul: What is the time by your watch?
Ungkapan yang lazim: What is the time now? What time is it? Can you tell me the time?

Salah We traveled in train.
Betul: We traveled by train.
Konteks serupa: by train/car/bike/boat/plane/land/sea/air dsb.  Pada konteks berada dalam kendaraan gunakan: in the car, on a bus, bukan by the car or by a bus.

Salah He was trembling in rage.
Betul: He was trembling with rage.
Untuk menjelaskan ungkapan, perasaan dan sensasi contoh-contoh yang umum. white with fear/rage, red with anger/embarrassment, green with envy, blue with cold dsb.

Salah Who is in the phone? It is John.
Betul: Who is on the phone? It is John.

Salah There was an interesting show at TV.
Betul: There was an interesting show on TV.
Ungkapan yang tepat adlaah on the radio, on TV,
on the phone etc.

Salah: She washed her face in water.
Betul: She washed her face with water.

Salah The snake was killed by a stone.
Betul The snake was killed with a stone.

Salah: I go to school by foot.
Betul: I go to school on foot.

Salah I congratulated her for her success.
Betul: I congratulated her on her success.


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